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Auto-Mate Ionic Automobile Air Purifier by Wein

Breathe easy!  Anywhere you have a lighter socket 

As seen on Dateline NBC, Oprah, NBC News, CBS News,
 The Today Show and CNN Today  See Below >>>

Allergy & Asthma sufferer's...
Here's Relief!

This handy unit is ideal for cars, trucks & vans, 18-wheelers, RVs, boats & tractor cabs or anywhere you have a cigarette lighter socket

A must have for used car dealers or people who share an automobile with smokers or pet owners

  • Tested by leading scientists

  • Platinum emitter and gold plated stainless steel collectors

  • Silent, filterless, fanless, maintenance free operation

  • Ion indicator

  • Cleaner, more fresh air anywhere you drive

We No longer carry this product.  We apologize for this inconvenience.

How Do Ion's Work?

Fresh Air & Negative Ions
One of the distinct differences between "fresh" outdoor air and "stale" indoor air is the balance of negative ions versus positive ions. The freshest outdoor air has high concentrations of negative ions — specifically, oxygen molecules with an extra electron attached — and relatively few positive ions (oxygen with an electron stripped away).

High concentrations of negative ions are found in the most invigorating outdoor places — evergreen forests, around waterfalls, on beaches with crashing surf, or anywhere after thunderstorms, when the air seems almost crisp and spicy with freshness! 

At the other extreme, positive ions are found in high concentrations inside closed, air-conditioned and heated buildings, and outdoors in cities during rush hours (pollution depletes negative ions). 

Many believe that this balance of negative ions versus positive ions may someday be controlled indoors — just as we currently regulate indoor air's humidity and temperature. In this way, we would hope to restore our homes and work environments to something more like those refreshing outdoor places. 

U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
A recent study by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture found that ionizing a room led to 52% less dust in the air, and 95% less bacteria in the air (since many of the pollutants found in the air reside on floating dust particles).

The U.S.D.A. also performed another study to test the effectiveness of negative ionization at removing airborne Salmonella Enteritidis. The negative ions drastically reduced the airborne salmonella particles, prompting the following statement from the USDA: 

"These results indicate that negative air ionization can have a significant impact on the airborne microbial load in a poultry house and at least a portion of this effect is through direct killing of the organisms." 




A year long study by eminent researchers in air pollution science has concluded that Wein ionic air cleaners can substantially reduce the inhalation of toxic particles such as smoke, dust, pollens, molds, many allergens, fungi, germs and the most dangerous particles that would otherwise remain trapped in the lungs. This study was performed by leading authorities in air pollution research in laboratories that have no equal in this country that are used by EPA, NIH, OSHA, CDC, NIOSH, HUD, NIST, and NATO Wearable and stationary ionic air cleaners from three different manufacturers were evaluated and the results and conclusions reviewed
by experts.


Ozone levels have been tested as safe by Underwriters Laboratories, USA, Fuji Testing Laboratories, Japan, University of Southern California, Advanced Pollution Instruments, USA. The Authors of this report conclude: The research teams at the Department of Environmental Health at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center are very excited about these studies and are now considering two papers to be prepared and submitted to major peer - reviewed journals with international circulation.

  • Validation tested at leading Universities and research institutes.

  • Lightest, smallest, highest ion wind output.

  • Silent, Fanless, filterless maintenance free technology

  • Thousands of commendations and testimonials worldwide.

  • Four US patents granted.

  • Propels cleaner fresher air into your breathing zone.

  • Presented at the Leipzig European Aerosol Conference.

  • Outperforms the bulky inefficient competitive units.

  • Platinum emitter and gold plated stainless steel collectors

          See the amazing Mini-Mate wearable air purifier       (Summary of Study from USDA Website)

Excerpt From Dateline/NBC & Good Housekeeping 
reported by Hoda Kotbe

And finally, the personal air purifier, and it promises to “reduce airborne pollutants, allergens and viruses from your breathing space.”
“My eyes would be itching,” says Carol. “My nose would be this extreme tickle, I could be sneezing.”

Normally, cats make Good Housekeeping staffer Carol Wapner downright miserable. But to put the purifier to the test, she agreed to wear it to this adoption center, where she was surrounded by the furry felines.

“I feel fine,” says Carol. “I do smell the cat litter I must say.”
Remarkably, even after 25 minutes, Carol didn’t sneeze once. Was it really the purifier? Or could it have been mind over matter?
Wein Products, the company that makes the air purifier, insists it really works thanks to what it calls a “revolutionary technology” that destroys pollutants in the air. The company says it has done extensive testing, but makes no medical claims and says this is not a medical device. Instead, it says the proof is in the use, telling “Dateline” it has hundreds of satisfied customers. 

Still skeptical, Good Housekeeping turned to its engineers for help. They devised a “smoke test” to see if the air purifier could clear out a tank of smoke. First, they lit a cigarette and allowed it to burn inside the tank, building up a lot of smoke..  Then they put the air purifier in the tank:
“If you look in here you will see that there is no more streams of smoke,” says Jamey.  “To our astonishment, it did help the people who wore it,” says Franke, “and it did clear out a tank of smoke. And it’s something that we could recommend to people with a few caveats about the downsides.” 
So, the purifier gets a reality check of three stars. But it gets a gold star from Carol Wapner who never thought she could spend this much time up close and personal with one cat, much less 18!

“No reaction,” says Wapner. “It’s amazing. Thirty minutes, half an hour.”

To see the entire article, pick up the March 2003 issue of Good Housekeeping magazine.


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