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Indoor Allergens And Air Purification Systems. 
Controlling The Problem.  

Pollution Triggers Allergy Reactions

Many allergies come from pollution and food sources, so you can solve allergy problems by improving the quality of your indoor environment with air purification systems and diet revision.

Allergy symptoms can include dizziness, irritability, coughing, sneezing, dry eyes, hay fever, asthma symptoms, sinus problems, ear infections, depression, fatigue, headaches, nausea, breathing problems, respiratory infections, etc.

The main allergy culprits in indoor pollution are pollen, dust, dust mites, mold, chemicals from cleaning supplies, chemicals out gassing from new construction, carpeting and furniture and dander from pets.

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Adult-onset Asthma Is Linked to Mold and Tobacco Smoke Exposure

Living in a home with visible mold growth and being exposed to secondhand tobacco smoke are among the factors that may increase the risk of adult-onset asthma and allergy symptoms.

Swedish researchers, as reported in an issue of Allergy, examined data from a random population sample of 15,813 adults between the ages of 20 and 50 years. Of these, 174 who reported physician-diagnosed asthma that began at the age of 16 years or older (cases) were compared with 870 referents randomly selected from the original sample.

The cases and referents then completed questionnaires covering items including details of the home environment, respiratory and allergy symptoms and smoking.

After controlling for age, smoking and atopy, the researchers found that exposure to mold at home more than doubled the risk of adult-onset asthma (odds ratio 2.2) as did environmental secondhand tobacco smoke exposure (odds ratio 2.4). The presence of a wood stove in the home increased the odds ratio for asthma to 1.7.

How can you protect yourself against mold spores and secondhand tobacco smoke, thereby reducing your asthma and allergy reactions?

Filter-based cleaners do a fairly good job with allergens such as dust, pollen and dust mites, but unless they also include ultraviolet light and oxidation technology, they are ineffective against mold spores, secondhand smoke, chemical fumes, odors, bacteria, viruses and other organic pollution that triggers asthma and allergy symptoms.


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