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10 Clean Up Tips For  
The Nature's Air Purification System   

The key to successful use of the amazing little unit is to experiment! Your unit is portable so move it around. Put it through it's paces and enjoy the benefits before you settle it down into its "home" within your home.  Always keep the back of the unit open and clear to draw in air. Be mindful that some people are sensitive to the smell of ozone.  Also, most people eventually grow accustomed to it. Keep in mind that once you have "sanitized" your entire house, only an undetectable , low level of ozone is necessary to maintain a normal level of cleaning. Below are 10 tips for problem areas in your home.

#1 Heating-n-Cooling Clean Up - (Ozone High/ Fan-Low)

This step takes the most time and it is the most beneficial to you. Purifying your heating, cooling and ventilation system could alone pay for your Nature's Air Purifier. It can cost hundreds of dollars to have your home ventilation ductwork cleaned out and chemically treated to help prevent infection and breathing disorders. This step can be very helpful as a preventative measure and is worth recommending to friends and family! Your Nature's Air purifier can help keep the ventilation system in your house cleaner by periodically repeating this step.

  1. Just place your unit directly in front of and directly facing a return air duct or intake of your ventilation system.

  2. Turn your purifier "On" with the fan on a "Low" to "Medium" setting. Set the ozone dial on the unit to the maximum setting.

  3. Next, got to your thermostat and turn your Heating/Cooling system fan to "on" for continuous operation.

  4. Allow the setup to run at least 2 hours after you smell the Activated Oxygen coming out of the vents farthest away from the central air/fan unit. This normally takes about 2 to 5 hours. Better still, you can let it run this way all day while you are away. If you do leave it on all day, open all your closet doors to freshen them up at the same time.

#2 Breathing Easy in the Bedroom - (Ozone-High/ Fan-High)

This step won't take long and has the potential to give you the best night's sleep ever!

  1. Simply pull back the blankets and cover to expose the mattress and pillows.

  2. Set the machine on the foot of your bed and point toward the head

  3. Turn your purifier "On" with the Fan set on  "High". Set the Square Feet setting to the maximum.

  4. Cover the purifier and your whole bed with a light sheet to make a "tent" over everything except the back of the purifier (so it can breath). This will concentrate the Activated Oxygen deep into your bedding to oxidize odors and reduce the irritation from unseen particles such as dust mite excretion in our beds. This procedure can benefit your breathings and thus increase your ability to get a good night sleep.

  5. Make sure to keep the back of your purifier clear. The purifier must be able to draw air through it to produce Activated Oxygen properly.

  6. Finally, close the door to the room and allow the purifier to disinfect the bed for 1 to 3 hours or all day while you're away. Then walk into a purified bedroom and remove the setup.

Note: You may be tempted to sleep with the unit in your room. However, that is not recommended once the room is sanitized. You will normally have a smaller amount of ozone concentrations with the purifier when it is placed in its "home place" such as a main living area and allow to circulate throughout the house. The higher concentration in the bedroom is not necessary on a regular basis and those who are sensitive may find it uncomfortable.

#3 Mold Blast Basement/Garage - (Ozone-High/ Fan-High)

This step will pleasantly surprise you as the smell from the unsanitary mold and mildew in the basement/garage becomes transformed into a sweet smelling place to spend time. Please note that you may have to run a dehumidifier if the basement environment is really damp. Mold and mildew love dampness. However, the purifier can handle most basements without a dehumidifier.

  1. Place your purifier in the center of the basement about 5 to 6 feel above the floor if possible. Higher is better.

  2. Turn your purifier "On" with the Fan set on "High". Set the ozone setting to the maximum. Place an additional fan in the room if necessary to circulate the Activated Oxygen to every corner of the basement if the airflow in the basement is limited.

  3. Allow the purifier setup to run for 6 to 8 hours for mild/moderate problems. Allow it to operate from 2 to 4 days if you have a serious problem basement.

  4. Remember, according to Experts, if you can smell the mold or mildew, you could be at risk! So lets remove odors and significantly reduce dangerous mold!

Note: For severely infected or damp areas consider a second purifier. Also remember: when you have the Nature's Air ozone setting on "high" it is for purging purposes. When oxidizing mold you will normally smell a "detergent" like odor resembling chlorine, which creates reduction or "breakthrough" of the mold.

#4 Flush Your Bathroom - (Ozone-High/ Fan-High)

This step can help reduce mold and mildew and other odors. it will help you keep those smelly microorganisms from taking over your bathroom!

  1. Place your purifier in the center of the bathroom about 5 to 6 feet above the floor.

  2. Turn the purifier "On" with the Fan set on "High". Turn the Ozone setting on your purifiers to the maximum setting.

  3. Allow the unit to run for 2 to 4 hours.

  4. This procedure should be repeated at least once per month to help maintain a healthy mold-free bathroom in addition to your regular cleaning.

Also keep in mind that when you have the Nature's Ozone setting on "high" it is for purging purposes only. When oxidizing mold you will normally smell a "detergent" like odor resembling chlorine, which creates a "breakthrough" or reduction of the mold. However, the machine does not produce chlorine, only Activated Oxygen and ionization. This is the same natural process the sun and a thunderstorm produce to clean up the outdoor air pollution.

#5 Spring Clean The Close - (Ozone-High/ Fan-High)

This step can help you reduce or eliminate that stale, musty smell from all of your closets and storage units.

  1. Place your purifier in the center of the closet or storage space up as high as you can get it. If you're just freshening up a small item like a chest or trunk, lower the lid to within 3 inches of being fully closed. You must allow some fresh air in for your purifier to work the maximum.

  2. Turn your purifier "On" with the Fan set on "High". Turn the Square Feet setting to the maximum setting.

  3. Make sure the back of the purifier is clear and watch the cord as you close the door.

  4. Allow this setup to run for for 1 to 3 hours depending on how full your closet or the size of the storage area, its OK to run all day.

Note: For smelly shoes or a smoke drenched jacket: Place in front of purifier on a "high" setting for an extra hour or so.

#6 Hammer Remodeling Fumes - (Ozone-High/ Fan-High)

This procedure can help reduce and eliminate those hazardous toxic fumes and dust created in your home after you paint, lay carpeting, install cabinetry, or almost any remodeling! This step can provide amazing results and is worth recommending to family and friends who are also remodeling or building.

  1. Place your purifier in the center most area of the room about 5 or 6 feet above the floor. 

  2. Turn your purifier "On" with the Fan set on High. Set the Ozone to the maximum setting.

  3. Place an additional fan in the room to circulate the Activated Oxygen to every corner of the room if the airflow is limited in the room.

  4. If off-gasing from materials is high you may consider vacating the area. Allow this setup to run for 4 to 24 hours, or longer, depending on the level of the odor. It is often best to vacate the room while the activated oxygen works to eliminate the chemicals.

Note: Always keep in mind that the Activated Oxygen in higher concentrations is for purging purposes only and not necessary for continuous use. With the Ozone setting on "high", you are purifying like a thunderstorm with lightning. On lower settings you are maintaining a daily purification process just like the sun. It's nature's way!

#7 Tame Pet Odors - (Ozone-High/ Fan-High)

This step can help you reduce or eliminate the smell that our loving pets sometimes leave for us to deal with. This step can provide amazing results and is worth recommending to friends with pet odor problems. If you need to treat a whole room, follow the steps in "Purify Your Basement."

  1. Place your Purifier in front of and facing the problem spot directly on the floor.

  2. Turn your Purifier "On" with the Fan set on "High". Turn the Ozone to the maximum setting.

  3. Make sure the back of the Purifier is clear, to allow for good airflow.

  4. Allow this setup to run for 2 to 24 hours, or longer, depending on the smell. Let your nose be the judge.

Note: To purify a particularly SMELLY SPOT on the carpet: Cover the Purifier and the "spot" with a light sheet creating the "tent effect" as we did with your bedding. Remember to leave the back of the purifier open.

#8 Clean Out Dry Cleaning Toxins - (Ozone-High/ Fan-High)

This procedure can help reduce and eliminate that annoying, toxic residue and odor left behind in your clothing by the dry cleaners.

  1. Remove any plastic or paper wrap, and hang the clothing in a small space such as a closet or bathroom.

  2. Place your Purifier about 5 to 6 feet above the floor and preferably blowing directly on the clothing to be "bathed".

  3. Turn your Purifier "On" with the Fan set on "high". Turn the Square Feet to the maximum setting.

  4. Make sure the back of your Purifier is clear and watch the cord as you close the door.

  5. Allow this setup to run for up to 2 hours depending on how your clothes smell. Let your nose be the judge.

#9 Car Freshening - (Ozone-High/ Fan-High)

This step can help you reduce or eliminate that stale smell a car can get as it ages, as well as help eliminate the hazardous fumes in a new car of those from a smoke or pet passenger. This is another powerful demonstration of the ability of your Nature's Air. This is a single treatment that can be repeated again and again as fumes build up.

  1. Place your Nature's Air on the front seat of your car.

  2. Make sure the back of your Purifier is clear so you maintain good airflow through the machine.

  3. Open one of the windows on each side of the vehicle about 1 inch to allow fresh air into your Purifier.

  4. Turn your Purifier "On" with the Fan set on "high". Set the Ozone dial to the maximum.

  5. Watch the cord as you close the door or put it through the window.

  6. Allow this et up to run up to 2 hours or longer depending on the odor level. Your nose will know when it is done.

Note: You may also turn your car ignition to the "On" position and turn your car's heating/cooling ventilation fan to "On". This will help to clear odors out of the system.

#10 Freshen Outdoor Gear & RV's - (Ozone-High/ Fan-Medium)

This step will purify your musty seasonal clothing, tent and camping gear as well as RV's. Perform this step if you want to help protect them from problem odors and serious damage from mold and mildew while in storage; A must-do step before and after storage of your seasonal gear and Camper. THIS IS A ALSO GREAT FOR BOATS (ESPECIALLY WITH CUDDY CABINS)! Have you ever taken the cover off your boat and been blown away by the must smells?

  1. Place items opened or hung-up in front of the Nature's Air machine in  a small space such as a closet or storage unit. Or lay the gear out on the floor tented with a sheet leaving the back of the Nature's Air unit open for ventilation (See Bedroom Section).

  2. Turn the Purifier "On" with the fan set to "Medium". Turn the Ozone setting to the maximum.

  3. Allow this setup to run for 1/2 to 4 hours. Let your nose be the judge.

  4. For RV, CAMPERS, TENTS and BOATS place the unit inside and make sure there is a small window or a crack open for ventilation. Leave purifier in the unit for 2 to 24 hours depending on the severity of the mold problem.

Note: If you are allergic to the OUTDOOR POLLEN and MOLD that finds its way in the RV or camper at night, or you are an avid camper, consider investing in a second Nature's Air unit for the road. Remember when mold oxidizes it smells like Chlorine. Wait for that after "thunderstorm" fresh air smell before removing the unit or turning it down.

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Cleaning Instructions for Nature's Air Purifier

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